Soul Speaks Sessions

Embodied, trauma-informed, soul coaching to ignite inspiration and purposeful living

  • Somatic Experiencing

    a trauma informed, nervous system healing modality that metabolizes unprocessed emotions and pain in our body to create positive change

  • Holistic life coaching

    strategic steps catered specifically to your own success, getting you where you want to go

  • Intuitive guidance

    listening ‘between the lines’ to hear your truth speak, so you can create the change your soul is longing for

What are Soul Speaks sessions:

Soul-level transformational work is meant to be done with support. Let me guide you for a graceful and empowering experience.

  • When we improve one area of our life, it effects all other aspects. Whether you are here to work on your personal life, relationships, health or work, Soul Speaks sessions will integrate your various goals.

  • Working with unprocessed trauma that presents itself in your body and nervous system, I help you integrate these emotions and experiences so that they can be used as tools for empowerment.

  • By listening deeply, I bring ‘unseen’ information to light in a conscious and kind way, helping illuminate the path for your growth forward.

  • “The only thing constant in life is change,” said Heraclitus. Change can bring up challenges and it is priceless to have a trusted guide so we can harness transitions for positive life improvement.

  • By creating a plan that aligns with your deepest desires, your quality of life will greatly improve.

This soul-level life coaching utilizes the information the body and nervous system is communicating as the foundational means for sustainable transformation. Somatic Experiencing, a trauma-based healing modality, is the baseline for each session, alongside intuitive guidance and life coaching strategies for success. This body-based life coaching modality metabolizes stuck emotions, pain and unhealthy story trapped within the body, to effortlessly reveal our most aligned and empowered life.

When this unprocessed ‘stuff’ living inside of us is given space to move, our life force energy returns to us. We then feel empowered, passionate and on purpose! We naturally gain mental clarity and can make conscious choices that align with our soul’s purpose. I am available as a consistent guide, helping you transform trauma and stuck emotions into empowerment, clarity and action, lovingly holding you accountable on your path as you make these profound mental, emotional, physical and spiritual shifts.

I am here to serve as an intuitive seer, a soul coach cheerleader, as well as a gentle and grounded guide to help facilitate the transformation you are seeking in a smooth, fun-loving, and accepting way. I take into consideration the full-spectrum of the human experience, the messiness and imperfection of it all, and the cultural paradigm shifts that we are debunking so we can step into a more harmonious way of living in the world. I bring a sense of humor to the messiness of being human, while keeping you on track in your healing journey. I am so excited to support you in your transformation of getting to know your true self more deeply.

Please click the button bellow to connect more about this work.

What people are saying about Soul Speaks :

“The session I had with Eliza really helped me to gain clarity on my truth regarding a decision I was having trouble making. She helped me to go beyond the fears and doubts that were coming up in my mind and to really tune into what felt true for me regarding the decision. She held a very loving and supportive space. I left our session with clarity on what I wanted and trust in the decision I was making. I’d highly recommend Eliza’s guidance,”

Kelly Turgeon

“I feel like you are saying exactly what my soul needs to hear.”

Michael Caruso

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3 month transformation

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